Visit Seoul - 購物天堂 > 購物熱選 > 購物中心 複合式購物中心「明洞M PLAZA」是明洞流行的聖地,吸引了大批人潮,整棟建築物用玻璃建築而成的外觀令人印像深刻。 吸引了各階層的消費族群。還有擁有音樂劇、演唱會等多用途表演場「HAECHI HALL」和提供各種首爾觀光情報的「首爾國際文化觀光中心」。
The Soul of Seoul Autumn is headed our way and as the summer heat leaves us and tank tops are covered with jackets and colorful scarves people look for still more fun to have before the cold winter chills take over. There are plenty … Continue reading →
[安國]北村隱藏美食-窯燒PIZZA대장장이화덕피자 @ 飛鳥與魚+的首爾.COM :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 窯燒PIZZA大解密 隱藏在北村的美食 大家一起賞八景吃PIZZA! 之前介紹了北村必去看的八景-[安國]北村八景全攻略,讓你徹底欣賞八景之美!!!!! 走的腿痠痠了吧??想坐下來休息 ...
[時尚快遞]韓國彩妝新勢力-chosungah Ver.22(UPDATA) @ 飛鳥與魚+的首爾.COM :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 悄悄話 #2 飛鳥與魚+ 於 2014/05/28 21:04 TO ling: 你的悄悄話我看到了!!! 我也有回信mail給你唷!! 如果你沒有收到要跟我說唷!!! 或者先寄信給我-- 悄悄話 #4 飛鳥與魚+ 於 2014/05/29 12:41
forever 21 seoul - 相關部落格
Forever 21's Fast (and Loose) Fashion Empire - Businessweek The Takashimaya store on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue was spare, exquisite, and often too quiet for its own good. It closed in June. Five months later, only the Japanese department store's marble floors and high ceilings remain. The six-floor, 30,000-square-f
Visit Seoul - Myeongdong - Major Areas in Seoul - Seoul Attractions Seoul is one of the fashion capitals of the world and Myeongdong is it's shopping mecca. Read more to find out why Myeongdong is a must-see for every traveler. ... A beauty shop Big-name stores and street stalls all in one place Global brands like Forever
Forever 21 - West End - Vancouver, BC | Yelp 12 Reviews of Forever 21 "I absolutely love this place. I go just about every week with my best friend and we always walk out with something. There are tons of great deals all year round and lots of sales. It's also a great place to find outfit…
From rags to riches: The story behind Forever 21 cofounders - Vulcan Post Most of us are familiar with Forever 21, the retail giant which is highly popular among ladies. What most of us are not familiar with is this: What’s the story behind it? Forever 21 did not start off as Forever 21, but instead, Fashion 21. Founded by Sout
포에버21( FOREVER 21. Faux Leather Ox... 28,800. FOREVER 21. Tribal Print Sl... 18,800. FOREVER 21. Faux Suede Smok... 28,800 ...